Spirit Family Reunion sfr2010-07-02.morelock
2010-07-02 Morelock Music

Spirit Family Reunion Live at Morelock Music on 2010-07-02

01. Take Me Back, Sweet Anna Lee 02. Tell Her To Come Back Home 03. Red Rocking Chair 04. Greenville, Mississippi 05. When My Name Is Spoken 06. Sorry I've Known 07. Give Me Wings 08. Keep My Skillet Good And Greasy 09. Woody Guthrie's America 10. I'll Find A Way 11. You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone Nick Panken - vocals, acoustic guitar Maggie Carson - vocals, 5 string banjo Stephen Weinheimer - vocals, bass drum, washboard Peter Pezzimenti - vocals, drums Mat Davidson - vocals, accordion Ferd Moyce - vocals, fiddle Ben Fox - Bass

Files (download all files)
sfr2010-07-02.morelock.ffp (download)
Sfr2010-07-02MorelockMusic.ffp (download)
sfr2010-07-02-morelock.txt (download)
sfr2010-07-02.morelock.md5 (download)