Strangefolk sf2018-08-10
2018-08-10 Jay Peak Stateside Ampitheatre

Strangefolk Live at Jay Peak Stateside Ampitheatre on 2018-08-10

Set 1 (A Great Long While)  1. Stout Hearted Man 2. Mama 3. Chasing Away 4. Sinner 5. Pawn 6. Walnut 7. Blue & Gray 8. Utterly Addled 9. What Say You 10. I Tell Myself 11. Invisible 12. Cabin John Set 2 (Weightless in Water) 1. Roads 2. Whatever 3. All The Same 4. Valhalla 5. Furnace 6. Who I Am 7. Westerly 8. Elixir 9. Sad 10. I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover (Luke P Smith!) Entire show with Aaron Maxwell of Godstreet Wine Note: Shockingly, they lost track of time and couldn't finish the last two tracks from the WIW album. They became the first two tracks of Saturday's VIP set.