Sun Dried Opossum sdo2005-05-07
2005-05-07 Cary Street Cafe

Sun Dried Opossum Live at Cary Street Cafe on 2005-05-07

Source 71509
MG210 > Oade M148 > + Soundboard patch for vocals, bass, and percussion > Soundcraft Notepad > Lunatec V3 > HHB Portadat Mics onstage were DIN, 48kHz, approx. 3ft. high. > HHB Portadat > Echo Gina 3G > MIT SPDIF coax. > Wavelab 5.0 (record and sample rate conversion using Apogee UV22HR) > CD Wave > Wavelab 5.0 (fades only) > SHN

Disc 1: New Funk, The Bitch, Outfit, Can't Trust Nobody, Time Stands Still, Ode To Dickey, Tell Me Why, Sixteen Days. Disc 2: So Good, Moonlight, Stink Face > Little Meat, Vida, Livin' It Up, Floating Dingus. Disc 3: Lima Bean (?), Bump, Crush A Fly, Sweet Home Chicago, Don't Ask Me.

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sdo2005-05-07.md5 (download)
sdo2005-05-07.txt (download)