Steep Canyon Rangers scr2016-07-29.km184.flac24t-RockyGrassBGF
2016-07-29 RockyGrass BGF

Steep Canyon Rangers Live at RockyGrass BGF on 2016-07-29

01 intro 02 Stand & Deliver 03 instrumental 04 Easy To Love 05 Old 97 06 The Radio 07 Blow Me Away 08 intro Andy Hall/? 09 intro Sam Bush 10 Girl From The North Country 11 Whiskey In The Afternoon 12 intro Jerry Douglas 13 Diamonds in the Dust/Simple Is Me 14 Down That Road Again 15 Lakota Sioux 16 The Monumental Fool 17 band intro 18 Auden's Train 19 applause/intro Andy Hall,Sam Bush,Tony Trischka 20 I Think I'll Just Stay Here And Drink

Files (download all files)
scr2016-07-30.km184.wave24.md5 (download)
scr2016-07-30.km184.txt (download)
scr2016-07-30.km184.flac24t.ffp (download)