Sonic Bent sb2017-03-04.sonicbent2017-03-04.aud.flac
2017-03-04 Brewers Union, Oakridge OR
Sonic Bent Live at Brewers Union, Oakridge OR on 2017-03-04
Set I Shiver the bones Ghost of a girl Simple Far, Far Away (wilco) Brown Eyed Women (Grateful Dead) Thrive Glory bound (Martin Sexton) This Cheshire Life Eliza Blue Set II Four Corners One more trip down the line Lovin Cup Delusion &Grandeur Sugaree (Grateful Dead) Lines in the Sand Always the Crusaders Set III Jesus Ect (wilco) Subterranean Homesick Alien (Radiohead) Beggin for rain Deal (Grateful Dead) Ego Bandito Hurricane Lover *All songs Patrick Kavaney unless otherwise noted