Wayne Horvitz sb2012-04-27.scoobiesnax.flac16
2012-04-27 The Royal Room

Wayne Horvitz Live at The Royal Room on 2012-04-27

Set One 1. Tecufah 2. Daylight 3. Prepaid Funeral 4. The 29th Day of May Set Two 5. Cadillac Ranch 6. Disingenuous Firefight 7. In The Lounge

Files (download all files)
sb2012-04-27.txt (download)
sb2012-04-27.scoobiesnax.flac16.ffp (download)
sb2012-04-27.ffp (download)
sb2012-04-27.md5 (download)
sb2012-04-27.scoobiesnax.flac16.md5 (download)