Ryan Montbleau ryanmontbleau2015-04-17
2015-04-17 Paradise Rock Club

Ryan Montbleau Live at Paradise Rock Club on 2015-04-17

Ryan Montbleau Band Reunion Paradise Rock Club Boston, MA 2015-04-17 AKG 300 (ck 93)>V2>Oade BCM Marantz PMD 671>wav Wav>Ozone 6>SF Mac (resample, fades, tracking)>xAct>flac Recorded from balcony, right side of board Setlist: Some new tunes off upcoming CD Growing Light and good old RMB classics. It was great to have the full band celebrating the new release with Ryan and the sold out show crowd! Im working on set list, and will add that asap...

Files (download all files)
RyanMontbleau.txt (download)
fingerprint.ffp.txt (download)
md5sum.md5 (download)