Robyn Hitchcock robynhitchcock1989-03-15.v2
1989-03-15 LA Forum

Robyn Hitchcock Live at LA Forum on 1989-03-15

Artist: Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians  Recording date: 1989 March 15  Location: LA Forum, Inglewood, CA Source: audience Setlist: Superman Bass Freeze Airscape I’m Only You  talk Veins of the Queen Balloon Man Madonna of the Wasps Kingdom of Love Lineage: Aiwa mics -> Aiwa deck -> cassette -> Nak DR-1 (azimuth adj) -> Audigy 5/Rx -> Audacity -> CD Wave Editor -> FLAC 1.3 -> you The flacs are incompatible with the CD-Audio standard. The sound is in 24-bit stereo sampled at 96 kHz.  If that doesn't work for you, try the mp3s. Notes, rambles, etc.: A short set, opening for REM.  Starting with ‘Superman’ could be seen as bold, idiotic, genius, or all three.  Some people hate that song.  I love it. I was setting the track marks and noticed the claps close to the mic were drastically louder and disruptive, so I tried to see what I could do about them and got the Pop Mute plugin.  They’re still there, but drastically reduced.  So if you think they’re intrusive now - they used to be much louder. Peace, Phideaux3

Files (download all files)
1989 03 15 LA Forum, Inglewood, CA (96-24, Phideaux3).md5 (download)