Hairy Larry rhode_island_rag-ev_co4

Rhode Island Rag

Test clip with an EV Cobalt Co4 microphone. This is a mono recording of my Sigma acoustic guitar. I am using an EV Cobalt Co4 microphone about 6-8 inches from where the neck joins the body as recommended on their spec sheet. I recorded it to my Zoom H4 in mono mode using the built in preamps. The only post production I did was practically no compression and normalization to 96%. I used SAW Classic for post. I was very impressed with the sound quality. As far as the detail and high end the mic sounds more like a condenser than a dynamic. It also had very good rejection of background noise behind the microphone. While recording I heard my grandson call my daughter in the next room but I don't hear it on the recording. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. Thanks, Hairy Larry

Files (download all files)
rhode_island_rag-ev_co4.ffp (download)
rhode_island_rag-ev_co4.md5 (download)