Red Sparowes redspar2005-02-23.soundboardmatrix.distortion.flac16
2007-02-23 Amoeba Records

Red Sparowes Live at Amoeba Records on 2007-02-23

01 - intro jam 02 - Buildings Began to Strech Wide Across the Sky, and the Air Filled with a Reddish Glow 03 - We Stood Transfixed In Blank Devotion As Our Leader Spoke To Us, Looking Down On Our Mute Faces With A Great, Raging, And Unseeing Eye 04 - Our Happiest Days Slowly Began to Turn Into Dust 05 - Alone and Unaware, the Landscape Was Transformed in Front of Our Eyes

Files (download all files)
redsparowes2005-02-23.ffp (download)
RedSparowes2005-02-23.SBDandDPA4061.distortion.txt (download)
redsparowes2005-02-23.md5 (download)