Larry Heyl razzmajazz


Razzmajazz copyright by Larry Heyl 2007 Licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license Footage and uncompressed audio available. Recorded on June 5, 2007 at HairyLarryLand Credits: Producer - Larry Heyl Performer - Hairy Larry Comments: This jazzy instrumental is a variation on a 24 bar blues pattern. 8 bars of I and IV. 8 bars repeats. Then 2 bars on V-IV-I. Repeats. And the last 4 on the tonic. I like the interposition of the ninth chords and the minor sevenths. And it's got good jump. My van was in the shop with my XLR cables and most of my mics so I ran the Shure SM61 with a high impedance cable and the Lawrence goes to 1/4 inch anyway. This worked alright but the Shure had really low levels even with the preamp all the way up. It's nice how the sound fattens up and gets big when I move in close. Equipment: Video Cameras - JVC GR-DV800U Microphones - Shure SM61 (left) Lawrence soundhole pickup (right) Preamp - M-Audio DMP2 Audio Recorder - iRiver H320 Personal video: Download for iPod/PSP Download for iRiver Download DivX Handheld Please let me know if these don't work or if your player isn't listed. I uploaded these files. razzmajazz.h300.avi - Cinepack made by iRiverter for the iRiver 220x176 format - My Favorite razzmajazz.mv4 - Mpeg4 render made with Quicktime iPod(320x240) setting - iPod and PSP ??? razzmajazz-handheld.divx - DivX for handhelds 176x128 - Smallest Size for download or PMP razzmajazz.mp4 - Mpeg4 render made with Quicktime Broadband medium setting 320x240 razzmajazz.ogg - Rendered with ffmpeg2theora using the Preview preset 320x240 razzmajazz.rmvb - Real Media version made with Real Producer Basic 10 350K VBR razzmajazz-portable.divx - Made with DivX Converter this video will play on many DVD players 640x464 I wrote an article on these seven formats and why I chose them. Seven Formats for Seven Songs In Seven Days Download the mp3 audio here. Thanks, Hairy Larry I blog internet video at MixRemix. Promote your act at Delta Boogie. More MusePods