Perpetual Groove pgroove2007-10-17..ats.flac16
2007-10-17 The Stone Church

Perpetual Groove Live at The Stone Church on 2007-10-17

Source 95039
Lineage: MM-HLSC-1 (Sennheiser MKE-40) > MZ-RH1(PCM16/44) > USB > Audacity (tracking) > Xact > FLAC Level 8

Set I: Free Ride to the Show A Day the Way Robot Waltz Lost Connection Let’s Go All the Way Occam’s Blazer Set II: Three Weeks All This Everything, pt. 2 Get Down Tonight Under Lock and Key Breeze Just Cruisin' E1: encore applause Space Paranoids Breeze

Files (download all files)
Pgroove2007-10-17.txt (download)
pgroove2007-10-17.ffp.txt (download)