Oak Steel & Lightning osl2016-08-20.heritagefestival.16bit.flac
2016-08-20 World's Heritage Festival - Forest Park

Oak Steel & Lightning Live at World's Heritage Festival - Forest Park on 2016-08-20

Oak, Steel and Lightning St. Louis World's Heritage Festival Forest Park St. Louis, MO 2016-08-20 SBD/AUD Matrix Taped by Otterman ~ Set I ~ Tiny Acorn> Chasing Sunset One More Drag All That's Broken Stage Banter Preacher's Son Stage Banter Son of Ill Repute Lil' Dab Do What You Feel Make Up Some Friends Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink> Drunk As I Can Georgia Fast Train Red Bricks and Cobblestones Lonesome, On'ry and Mean Lonesome Whippoorwill Band Intros Amos Moses Run Time: 1hr 1min

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OSL2016.08.20Setlist.txt (download)