Ominous Seapods ominiousseapods1999-02-27.ominousseapods1999-02-27.ck61
1999-02-27 Que

Ominous Seapods Live at Que on 1999-02-27

OMINOUS SEAPODS February 27, 1999 Que Iowa City, IA  Source: AKG480b + CK61 > Beyer MV100 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D7 > Sony TCD-D100 Location: mics on stand Taper: CPS Lineage: DAT(M) [44.1] > FLAC Transfer: Tascam DA-20mkII > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 > Sound Forge Edits/EQ: none Notes: problems at beginning, not sure what happened - "Bong Hits & Porn" has two dropouts and cuts out,"Waiting For the Bomb to Drop" is cut, "Til Then" cuts in 01 - intro 02 - Bong Hits & Porn (cuts out) [cut] Waiting For the Bomb to Drop 03 - (cuts in) Til Then 04 - Final Destination 05 - Blackberry Brandy 06 - Back Again 07 - Road Song > 08 - Out of Myself 09 - First Day in California > 10 - Hey Donnie Osmond (Why Do You Walk That Way) 11 - Seymour 12 - Leaving the Monopole Compiled November 2018 by CPS

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ominousseapods1999-02-27.ck61.ffp (download)