Nohshintoh nst2009-08-02.c4oc441-fixed
2009-08-02 KD Japon

Nohshintoh Live at KD Japon on 2009-08-02

Set List: trk: title [time] 01: Boochee Kee Lay [0:10.13] 02: Kooloo Kooloo Pah! [2:30.57] 03: Jump [6:57.31] 04: Soh Dess [0:20.66] 05: Ho Low Yo Dee [3:43.40] 06: Death To Roy [4:28.73] 07: Ee No Chee [7:46.47] 08: Standing and Staring Sasachi [1:09.21] 09: Penyo Penyo [2:38.64] 10: Oo Chee [2:42.54] 11: Beni [6:30.37] 12: Toh Lah Sahn [4:01.59] 13: Sasachiko [0:55.06] Total time: [43:56.43]

Files (download all files)
nst2009-08-02c4oc441-26011-fixed.md5 (download)
nst2009-08-02c4oc441-26011-fixed.ffp (download)
nst2009-08-02c4oc441-26011-fixed.txt (download)