Nohshintoh nst2008-01-05.c4
2008-01-05 KD Japon
Nohshintoh Live at KD Japon on 2008-01-05
Tairyoku Shobu = Endurance Test Track List: (titles starting with capital letters are songs) trk: title /pronunciation/ (translation) [time] 01: intro [1:42.20] 02: Inochi /ee-no-chee/ (Life Force) [11:31.08] 03: Jump [11:14.67] 04: kyou kara yasumi [0:49.26] /kyo-oo-kah-rlah yah-soo-mee/ (Holiday Starts Today) 05: Tora-san /Toh-rlah sahn/ (Mr. Tora) [7:45.72] 06: kokoro de naguru [0:25.70] /koh-koh-rloh deh nah-goo-rloo/ (punch with the heart) 07: Break Time [8:41.23] 08: Horo Yori /ho-rlo yo-rlee/ (Over The Top) [5:05.14] 09: omededou /oh-meh-deh-toh-oo/ (Congratulations) [0:55.65] 10: Power Yowai /yo-wah-ee/ (I'm Weak) [1:04.31] 11: one more song [0:31.64] 12: Uuchii /oo-oo-chee-ee/ [3:04.08] Total Time: [52:52.18] For the first event of the new year, performers were asked to perform acoustically and without the drum kit. Nohshintoh's drummer beat-boxed pretty much the entire show and even though they played electrically, all of their instruments went through a single giant horn, nearly 90cm in diameter. Needless to say, these are some pretty unusual arrangements for these songs.The whole thing threw the singer so far off he nearly forgot to sing. The audience and other members fill in for him. :-) The audience also support the beat-boxing drummer with light syncopated hand-claps during some songs. Not stadium style unison clapping.
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