NiXiN nixin2013-10-26
2013-10-26 The Red Lantern

NiXiN Live at The Red Lantern on 2013-10-26

NiXiN October 26th 2013 The Red Lantern - Folcroft, PA Jam > What Time Is It[1], Natesh > Mortal Kombat > Natesh, Unintentionally Slick[2], Janet[3], Cars[4], Sniggler, Doug[5] 1. Action News Tease 2. Thriller Jam 3. First time played 4. NiXiN Debut 5. Octobong jam, Super Freak jam, Killer Tofu jam

Files (download all files)
nixin2013-10-26.txt (download)
nixin2013-10-26.md5 (download)
nixin2013-10-26.ffp (download)