Matt Nathanson nathanson2004-02-13
2004-02-13 Saint John's

Matt Nathanson Live at Saint John's on 2004-02-13

01 - Intro 02 - Church Clothes 03 - Angel > 04 - I Saw 05 - Lucky Boy (I Want You To Want Me #) 06 - Wings 07 - Bent > 08 - (Anna Begins $) 09 - (Escape %) 10 - Sad Songs 11 - Laid @ 12 - Suspended 13 - Lost Myself In Search of You 14 - Starfish and Coffee % > 15 - (Stayin' Alive *) > 16 - Starfish and Coffee 17 - (Maps +) > 18 - Answering Machine 19 - Little Victories > 20 - (America ~)

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