Matt Nathanson nathanson2002-12-07.mc012.shnf
2002-12-07 Amos' Southend

Matt Nathanson Live at Amos' Southend on 2002-12-07

Source 24147
Taper: Barry Knechtel (
Source: Oktava MC012 -> Rolls PB 224 -> AD20 Inbox -> (optical) Sharp SR60 MD

Location: 20' back, right-center, mics at 12'

Conversion: Barry Knechtel (
Equipment: Sony JE5000 -> optical -> SBL Optical Digital I/O - >
Creative SB Audigy -> Soundforge 6.0 -> CD Wave -> SHN

More Than This Bare Pretty the World Wings Every Rose Has Its Thorn > I Saw Starfish and Coffee > Stayin' Alive Lucky Boy All Been Said Before Miracles Hero > Church Clothes Livin' on a Prayer Answering Machine

Files (download all files)
nathanson2002-12-07.txt (download)
nathanson2002-12-07.md5 (download)