Matt Nathanson nathanson2001-10-16.mc012.shnf
2001-10-16 The Abbey

Matt Nathanson Live at The Abbey on 2001-10-16

Source 6449
Taper: Frank Crowe
Source: Oktava MC012 (card) > Beyer MV-100 > Sony PCM-M1
From: Mics ~10' high XY90 ~10' away directly in front of Stage

DAT>SHN:Frank Crowe
Equip: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking

Thunder Road * Wings Church Clothes Bare Weight of It All Living on a Prayer ** Answering Machine Wide Eyed and Full Little Victories

Files (download all files)
Nathanson2001-10-16.md5 (download)
Nathanson2001-10-16.txt (download)