Mr. Blotto mrblotto2009-02-27
2009-02-27 Blotto Hotel- Best Western

Mr. Blotto Live at Blotto Hotel- Best Western on 2009-02-27

Set 1 1 Terrapin Station 2 Over and Back 3 Raining in my Room 4 Southern Woman 5 Sister Rosie 6 Row Jimmy 7 Triloet Set 2 1 Cabbages and Kings>Already Gone 2 Hi-V 3 Indiana Jones 4 Dear Mr. Fantasy 5 Almost Anywhere 6 Rebel Music/Three o'clock roadblock 7 Sail Away Virginia 8 La dia de pelo malo

Files (download all files)
mrblotto2009-02-27.md5 (download)
mrblotto2009-02-27.txt (download)