moe. moe2014-05-25.mk21_16bit
2014-05-25 Summer Camp

moe. Live at Summer Camp on 2014-05-25

moe. Summer Camp Music Festival May 25, 2014 (early set - Starshine stage) Duration = 1hr, 13min 01) Chromatic Nightmare 02) Nebraska 03) Time Again 04) The Pines And The Apple Trees 05) Smoke 06) Lazarus 07) Time Ed 08) Akimbo 09) Waiting for the Punchline Source - Schoeps MK21 > KCY > Schoeps VMS5U > Tascam Dr-40 Converstion: SD Card > Audition 3.0 > CDWave > FLAC Recorded and Mastered By: tonedeaf (

Files (download all files)
moe2014-05-25.mk21_16bit.md5 (download)
moe2014-05-25.mk21.vms5u.dr40.16bit.earlyset.ffp (download)
moe2014-05-25.txt (download)
moe2014-05-25.mk21_16bit.ffp (download)