moe. moe2002-12-31.lazor.dat.collection.sennheiser_me67_1648
2002-12-31 Scaragon Brawlroom

moe. Live at Scaragon Brawlroom on 2002-12-31

moe. December 31, 2002 Aragon Ballroom Chicago, Illinois Source: Sennheiser ME-67 DAT/c > Sony PCM R300 > Tascam DR680 > Audacity > xACT(FLAC/TAG); DiGiHoArDeRs: 4/27/19 Matt "Lazy Lightning" Lazor DAT Collection SET ONE Not Coming Down > Wormwood > Okayalright > Gone New York City Spine of Dog > Jazz Wank > Buster SET TWO NYE Countdown Jack Straw Akimbo > Seat of My Pants Money > Four > Not Coming Down > Rebubula ENCORE Don't Fuck With Flo

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