moe. moe2001-03-09.shnf
2001-03-09 Newport Music Hall

moe. Live at Newport Music Hall on 2001-03-09

Source 3315
Neumann TLM170R (Cardiod) > Lunatec V2 > Sonic AD2K+ > DAP1

1: She Sends Me, Lazarus, Understand, New York City, Meat*# > Time Ed** 2: Okayalright, Moth > Kids##, Tambourine, Spine Of A Dog > Waiting For The Punchline > Recreational Chemistry** E: Bodhisattva * Al on mini-Moog. # Jim on xylophone. ** Jim on bass. ## With "Fire On The Mountain" (Grateful Dead) tease.

Files (download all files)
moe01-03-09d1.md5 (download)
moe01-03-09.txt (download)
moe01-03-09d2.md5 (download)
moe01-03-09d4.md5 (download)
moe01-03-09d3.md5 (download)