moe. moe.2001-07-01.km140.shn
2001-07-01 Coney Island - Moonlight Gardens

moe. Live at Coney Island - Moonlight Gardens on 2001-07-01

Disc 1 Set I 1. Intro 2. Stranger Than Fiction 3. Hi and Lo > 4. Moth > 5. Kids* Disc 2 Set II 1. Jazz Wank > 2. Buster 3. Happy Hour Hero** 4. New Chuck song(Bullet)# Disc 3 Set II continued 1. Meat > 2. Moth reprise 3. Crowd and Stage Banter Encore: 4. Down By The River

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moe01-07-01.txt (download)
moe01-07-01.md5 (download)