Matt Nathanson mnathanson2013-11-03.flac16
2013-11-03 House of Blues

Matt Nathanson Live at House of Blues on 2013-11-03

1. intro 2. Mission Bells 3. Modern Love 4. "This is the story about two people 'coming' together" 5. Run 6. "You're still a douchebag..." 7. Heart Starts 8. "Yes, we can do Journey..." 9. Car Crash (I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (U2)) 10. "This is a song about carnal confidence.." 11. Kill The Lights 12. "...this is a happy song." 13. Sunday New York Times 14. Room @ The End Of The World (Mr. Brightside (The Killers) > "Whitney Houston Battlecry" 15. Detroit Waves (Exit (U2)) > Break On Through (The Doors) > Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)) 16. "'Monkey Tits'" 17. Bulletproof Weeks 18. Answering Machine 19. (Psycho) Annie's Always Waiting (For the Next One to Leave) 20. "Matty, you gotta write a song about the waitress..." 21. Kinks Shirt 22. Under Pressure (David Bowie/Queen) 23. "Channeling Springsteen" 24. Farewell December 25. encore break 26. Faster 27. #MNselfielove > band intros 28. Come On Get Higher

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mnathanson2013-11-03.txt (download)