Matt Nathanson mnathanson2005-10-12
2005-10-12 Rex Theatre

Matt Nathanson Live at Rex Theatre on 2005-10-12

Disc One: 01. "setlist problems" 02. Weight of It All ! 03. Pretty the World 04. "sweet love" 05. Fall to Pieces 06. "stop smoking" 07. Curve of the Earth 08. "bent intro" 09. Bent > Such Great Heights (Postal Service tag) 10. "new songs" 11. Car Crash 12. "special place" 13. Lost Myself in Search of You 14. "the ultimate equalizer" 15. Laid (James cover) 16. Amazing Again With or Without You (U2 tag) Disc Two: 01. "my brother went to duquesne" 02. "we'll recover > big foot" 03. We'll Recover @ 04. "string section" 05. Little Victories @ 06. "the wonderboys" 07. Sad Songs 08. Lucky Boy > I Want You to Want Me (Cheap Trick tag) 09. "steel working people" 10. Sing Me Sweet 11. "battle rap" 12. Detroit Waves 13. "band introductions" 14. "sing-along instructions" 15. Answering Machine 16. "encore break" 17. Bulletproof Weeks @ 18. Suspended @ 19. "goodbye"

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