Matt Nathanson mnathanson2005-02-22adktl.flac
2005-02-22 Chris Knutzen Hall, University Center, Pacific Lutheran University

Matt Nathanson Live at Chris Knutzen Hall, University Center, Pacific Lutheran University on 2005-02-22

Prove to Me Pretty the World Church Clothes Since U Been Gone * Sad Songs Bent > Such Great Heights # Lost Myself in Search of You Starfish and Coffee @ Stayin Alive $ Detroit Waves Angel > I Saw Pieces of Me ^ Don't Think Twice, It's Alright % Wide Eyed and Full Answering Machine Wild World ~

Files (download all files)
mnathanson2005-02-22adktl.txt (download)
mnathanson2005-02-22adktl.ffp.txt (download)