Matt Nathanson mnathanson2004-10-30.sr71
2004-10-30 The Call

Matt Nathanson Live at The Call on 2004-10-30

1. (We Live as We Dream Alone) $ 2. Pretty the World 3. Curve of the Earth 4. (Sweet Home Alabama) ^+ 5. Vandalized 6. Weight of it All 7. (Jessie's Girl)% 8. Princess 9. Lost Myself in Search of You 10. Laid 11. Angel 12. I Saw > 13. (Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes)** 14. Never Forget My Memories * 15. Continue Dreaming * 16. What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love and Understanding @ 17. Lucky Boy > 18. (I Want you to Want me) = 19. (Sweet Child of Mine) - 20. Fall to Pieces 21. Amazing Again 22. (Losing My Religion)/ 23. Answering Machine > 24. (Surrender)= 25. (The Sweetest Thing) *~ 26. Suspended * 27. -Encore 28: Little Victories *

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