Matt Nathanson mnathanson2004-02-26-radio.shnf
2004-02-26 97.3 The Planet Radio Show

Matt Nathanson Live at 97.3 The Planet Radio Show on 2004-02-26

Source 24244
***Radio Show***Taper: Ed Paff (
Source: Sony SRF-49 -> PC Sound Card -> CDWave

Conversion: Ed Paff (
Equipment: Cool Edit 2000 -> CD Wave

Disc 1 01: Intro 02: Little Victories 03: Interview 04: Sad Songs 05: Interview 06: Suspended (Studio Track) 07: Ending

Files (download all files)
mnathanson2004-02-26-radio.txt (download)
mnathanson2004-02-26-radio.md5 (download)