Matt Nathanson mn2002-11-16
2002-11-16 Uptown Theater

Matt Nathanson Live at Uptown Theater on 2002-11-16

Source 24139
Taper: Timothy Maus (

Source: SBD > Sony M1
MC012a > mod-Edirol UA-5 > Digi-Optical Out > Sony MD
XY90, Just Right of SBD, 12 feet high

Conversion: Sony M1 > Dio 2496 > CEP 2.0 (48>44.1)
MD > Dio 2496 > CEP 2.0

Mixed post-production with CEP 2.0

Intro Miracles All Been Said Before Pretty the World Lucky Boy Every Rose Has it's Thorn > Wanted Dead or Alive # I Saw Wings Redemption Song @ Living on a Prayer $ Answering Machine

Files (download all files)
mn2002-11-16.md5 (download)
mn2002-11-16.txt (download)