Mermen mermen2012-10-19
2012-10-19 Malibu Inn

Mermen Live at Malibu Inn on 2012-10-19

Source 122598
Recorded by: Mike Martin
2 Sennheiser e-614 microphones > Core Sound 24-96 (@ 16-44) > PD Audio CF > HP 2795 IPAQ (Running Guidlick PD Audio) >
SD Memory Card > Hard Drive > Audacity > CD Wav > Flac (Level 8) > Stamp ID 3 tag editor

Pre-concert warm-up & introduction, Malibu Jam, Honeybomb, With No Definite Future and No Purpose Other Than To Prevail, Somehow, Driving The Cow, The Good, Bad and The Ugly, Raglan, Intro > Curve, Pull Of The Moon, To Be Naked And French Is Always Hard, Sponge Cookie, The Goodbye

Files (download all files)
info.txt (download)
mermen2012-10-19.ffp (download)
mermen2012-10-19.md5 (download)