Mermen mermen2000-10-14.shnid19824.shnf
2000-10-14 Rusty's Surf Ranch

Mermen Live at Rusty's Surf Ranch on 2000-10-14

Source 19824
Multiple onstage mics: SM57 - both Jim's and Jennifer's cabinets, Octava
MK012 - X/Y on drums, and on kick drum > Mackie 104 VLZ-Pro mixer > HHb
PortaDat > TC Electronic Finalizer Plus > ? > SHNv3; Taped by J. Jay
Hector; Seeded by James Dineen; repaired by Mark Domyancich

Latinia, Falling Up, Sponge Cookie, The Goodbye, Casbah, Be My Noir, Scalp Salad, Quiet Surf, Hammerhead, Walking the Peach, El Aguila (Astronauts), The Victor (Dick Dale) , Pressure (Pyramids) With No Definite Future..., Splashing With The Mermaid, Unto The Resplendent, Adventures in Paradise, Emmylou Rides Clarence West Then South, Burn, Ocean Beach, The Silly Elephant Who Came To Tea

Files (download all files)
mermen2000-10-14.txt (download)
mermen2000-10-14d1.md5 (download)
mermen2000-10-14d2.md5 (download)