Mermen mermen2000-09-29.shnf
2000-09-29 Palookaville

Mermen Live at Palookaville on 2000-09-29

Source 15756
On-stage ORTF B&K 4011 > Lunatec V2 > Tascam DA-P1 @ 48k recorded and encoded by Steve Gilbert

Latina Quiet Surf Casbah Be My Noir Emmylou Rides Clarence West and then South Raglan Walking the Peach Pull of the Moon Falling Up With No Definite Future... Burn

Files (download all files)
mer2000-09-29.txt (download)
mermen2000-09-29.wav.md5 (download)
mermen2000-09-29.shn.md5 (download)