Mermen mermen1998-09-06.mix.flac16
1998-09-06 Burning Man

Mermen Live at Burning Man on 1998-09-06

1 (intro: Joegh Bullock) 2 (Fog Master) 3 Unto The Resplendent 4 100-Foot Lemon 5 Emmylou Rides Clarence West Then South 6 With No Definite Future… 7 The Drub 8 White Trash Raga / Curve Jam 9 Pull Of The Moon 10 Sponge Cookie 11 Casbah 12 Encore: The Whales 13 (outro: Joegh and Fantuzzi)

Files (download all files)
mermen1998-09-06.mix.flac16.md5 (download)
mermen1998-09-06.mix.flac16.ffp (download)
mermen1998-09-06.txt (download)