Mermen mermen1997-09-11.sbd.flac16
1997-09-11 The Fillmore

Mermen Live at The Fillmore on 1997-09-11

Source 112857
Recording: SBD > Tascam DA-P1 > DAT (48K)
Transfer: DAT > Sony R500 (S/PDIF-Optical) > G5 Dual Mac (Peak/xACT) > FLACs (level 8) [April 2011]
Recording and mastering by Michael Zelner

Sway, Ocean Beach, Varykino Snow, Emmylou Rides Clarence West Then South, Scalp Salad, Curve, intro > Latina, With No Definite Future... > Miki's Lush Beehive, 100-Foot Lemon, Be My Noir > , Into The West, Adventures In Paradise, Silly Elephant Who Stomped To Tea, Walking the Peach E: Crash > Unknown

Files (download all files)
mermen1997-09-11.sbd.flac16.md5 (download)
mermen1997-09-11.txt (download)
mermen1997-09-11.sbd.flac16.ffp (download)