Mike Doughty mdoughty2001-05-03
2001-05-03 Bogart's

Mike Doughty Live at Bogart's on 2001-05-03

Hello, everybody, everybody, hello! What's going on?    Here's Mike Doughty playing a shorter set at Bogart's, a 1500-capacity theater in Cincinnati, Ohio. Admittedly, this isn't the best recording. The crowd is pretty talkative and Doughty shushes them. It sounds like it was recorded from the back of the room.      Anybody who regularly prowls the Soul Coughing archive site may recognize me as someone who posts a lot over there. This is one of a few Doughty solo shows in my collection. I couldn't find this one on here, so I wanted to post it. Long overdue, as the last time a 2001 gig was posted here was in 2004!! If you have yet to check out the Soul Coughing archive portal, or have not in a while, there's an influx of new material in the process of being digitized for the first time in 25 years. Some were just posted, but more is on the way. Keep your eyes peeled!  If you want to get in touch, my email is Max@DeuteronomyMusic.Com if you have any questions/comments/requests.