Mike Doughty mdb2008-04-10
2008-04-10 Music Hall of Williamsburg

Mike Doughty Live at Music Hall of Williamsburg on 2008-04-10

1 - Intro and Unsingable Name 2 - Circles 3 - I just Want the Girl in the Blue Dress 4 - Busting Up a Starbucks 5 - I Wrote a Song About Your Car 6 - Fort Hood 7 - Grey Ghost 8 - I Hear the Bells 9 - Navigating the Stars at Night 10 - Improv 11 - More Bacon Than the Pan Can Handle 12 - Sleepless 13 - Soft Serve 14 - 27 Jennifers outtake 15 - 27 Jennifers 16 - Ossining 17 - The Gambler 18 - Fire Truck 19 - Put it Down 20 - Looking at the World From the Bottom of a Well 01. Intro and Unsingable Name 02. Circles 03. I Just Want the Girl in the Blue Dress 04. Busting Up a Starbucks 05. I Wrote a Song About Your Car 06. Fort Hood 07. Grey Ghost 08. I Hear the Bells 09. Navigating the Stars at Night 10. Improv 11. More Bacon Than the Pan Can Handle 12. Sleepless 13. Soft Serve 14. 27 Jennifers outtake 15. 27 Jennifers 16. Ossining 17. The Gambler 18. Fire Truck 19. Put it Down 20. Looking at the World From the Bottom of a Well

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