Lotus lotus2003-11-14shn
2003-11-14 North Star Bar

Lotus Live at North Star Bar on 2003-11-14

Source 65108
AT3528 > PS/2 > AD-20 > D8 > D8 > Delta DiO 2496 > Sound Forge XP > CD Wave > mkwACT

Set I 1. Sift 2. Ball of Energy 3. the Jump Off 4. Caywood 5. Gemini Conspiracy 6. Lucid Awakening Set II 1. Greet the Mind* 2. Suitcases and Sandwiches 3. MC Nutt intro 4. MC Nutt Jam (Hip-Hop, Drum 'nBass)#> 5. Flower Sermon 6. banter 7. Sunrain 8. ~Encore~ 9. Colorado^

Files (download all files)
lotus2003-11-14.ffp (download)
lotus2003-11-14.txt (download)