Larry Keel lknb2013-08-22.akg
2013-08-22 Clear Mountain View Music Festival

Larry Keel Live at Clear Mountain View Music Festival on 2013-08-22

01 White House Blues 02 Walkin Boss 03 Guitar Man 04 instrumental (?) 05 How Can It Be Wrong If It Grows Wild 06 I'm No Doctor 07 band intros 08 Lyin Low, Dyin Slow (?) 09 Magnificent > 10 Back In The Goodle Days > 11 instrumental (?) 12 stage talk/tuning 13 Billy The Kid (?) > 14 Water Of Love 15 Rainbow Rollercoaster 16 stage talk/tuning 17 Rattler 18 Kind Veggie Burrito

Files (download all files)
lknb2013-08-22.akg.ffp (download)
lknb2013-08-22-akg-showinfo.txt (download)
lknb2013-08-22-akg-flac.ffp (download)
lknb2013-08-22.akg.md5 (download)