Lettuce lettuce2012-07-21.me80_24bit
2012-07-21 All Good Music Festival

Lettuce Live at All Good Music Festival on 2012-07-21

Lettuce All Good Music Festival Thornville, OH July 21, 2012 *****24bit fileset, not for CDR***** Duration: 48min 01. Madison Square > 02. By Any Shmeeans Necessary 03. Bowler 04. Lettsanity 05. Ziggowatt 06. Double Header 07. Last Suppit 08. Play Source: Teac ME-80 > Tascam DR2D Conversion: SD Card > Audition 1.5 > CDWav > WAV > FLAC Recorded and Mastered By: tonedeaf (stevetoney1@hotmail.com) Notes: Fireworks appear during the first 6 1/2 minutes (and then again for awhile around the 9min mark) of this recording. I tried as hard as I could to minimize the noise and ended up using the hard limit tool to keep the levels of the pops reasonable at -3db peak. I hope they turned out OK on your playback system.

Files (download all files)
lettuce2012-07-21.txt (download)
lettuce2012-07-21.me80_24bit.md5 (download)
lettuce2012-07-21.md5 (download)
lettuce2012-07-21.me80_24bit.ffp (download)