Living Daylights ld1999-11-13.sbdmatrix.flac16
1999-11-13 Raindancer

Living Daylights Live at Raindancer on 1999-11-13

The Living Daylights 11/13/1999 Raindancer, Seattle, WA Source: SBD + Sennheiser ME 64's > Tascam DAP-1  Living Daylights: 1. 500 Lb. Cat 2. Fall 3. Mali Krumpiri 4. Good Cop, Bad Cop > 5. Get Bone-A-Fide 6. Pike or Pine 7. Chez Arnesto The Slipping Daylights: 1. soundcheck > 2. whole set Notes: Thanks to Edmund Edwards for the DAT & Dr. Bob for setlist help! Slipping Daylights soundcheck segues seamlessly into set.

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ld1999-11-13.sbd+sennheiser.txt (download)