Jake Shimabukuro js2007-02-03.js2007-02-03.flac16
2007-02-03 Soho Restaurant and Music Club

Jake Shimabukuro Live at Soho Restaurant and Music Club on 2007-02-03

Set: 1. While My Guitar Gentle Weeps 2. Lets Dance 3. Dragon 4. Sakura (Traditional Japanese folk song) 5. Cross Current 6. Here,There, Every Where 7. Ice Cream 8. Orange World% 9. Greed 10. Blue Roses Falling 11. Me & Shirley-T. 12. Third Stream Encore: 13. Ave Maria^

Files (download all files)
js2007-02-03ffp.txt (download)
js2007-02-03.txt (download)