John Northern johnnorthern2005-08-06.shnf
2005-08-06 Molloy's Irish Pub (16 bit)

John Northern Live at Molloy's Irish Pub (16 bit) on 2005-08-06

Source 72642
SBD + MICs (Neumann KM 184 --> Sound Devices MP-2) --> Edirol FA-101@24/192 --> nTrack 3.3 > Mixdown 50/50 to 16/44.1 with nTrack 3.3 --> CDWave --> SHN

CD #1 01) Everybody Has a Crush on Shannon 02) The Kafka Tree 03) No One's Cross But My Own 04) Brecht Down in Memphis 05) Restaurants 06) Cowboys May Cheat 07) Pick a Tick Off My Dog 08) The Ballad of Red Ryder 09) On the Road to Peshwar 10) Beer for Breakfast 11) True Love Always Colette 12) Who Is Your Big Green Monster? 13) The Potato Rock 14) Whose World is This Anyway?

Files (download all files)
johnnorthern2005-08-06.md5 (download)
johnnorthern2005-08-06.txt (download)