Jerry Joseph (solo & side projects) jj2019-11-09.aud.flac16
2019-11-09 Yellowstone Brewing Company

Jerry Joseph (solo & side projects) Live at Yellowstone Brewing Company on 2019-11-09

Jerry Joseph 11-09-2019 Billings, MT The Garage ccm4>702 @24/48 ssf9 @norm/16/44>cd wave>tlh fob,dfc,ortf 1. The Beheading Of St. John The Baptiste Day 2. Radio Cab 3. Tik 4. Days Of Heaven  5. I'm In Love With Hiram Black, And He's In Love With Me 6. Dead Confederate 7. Good>Spin Cycle>North>Spin 8. Cosmic 9. Three Mile Island 10. Wisconsin Daeth Trip>Maybe I'm Amazed>Let It Be>Wisconsin Death Trip  Encore: 11. Henry>White Dirt

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JerryJoseph_19_11_09_setlist.txt (download)