Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey jfjo2002-06-01.shnf
2002-06-01 Creekside Festival

Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey Live at Creekside Festival on 2002-06-01

Source 65247
ADK51s (ommisplit 10') > Denecke PS2 > SBM-1 (mod)[44.1K] > M1 >D8 > D8 > S/pDIF ~ WAV44.1/16 > shn

01. 02. Lovejoy 03. Thelonious Monk Is My Grandmother 04. Vernal Equinox 05. Skeeball Over The Ocean 06. Hunterer/Gatherer 07. Son of Jah 08. Three Splattered Eggs *

Files (download all files)
jfjo2002-06-01.txt (download)
jfjo2002-06-01.md5 (download)