Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey jfjo02-10-05.shnf
2002-10-05 The Grog Shop

Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey Live at The Grog Shop on 2002-10-05

Source 16842
(onstage) schoeps ccm4 > psp3 > dap1

1. Muskogee Smalls 2. The calm before the storm 3. As it will be 4. Grub Ridge Stomp 5. Son of Jah 6. Perfect Wife's flannel PJ's 7. A Love Supreme (1st movement) 8. Vernal Equinox 9. Walking with Giants 10. There is No Method

Files (download all files)
jfjo02-10-05.txt (download)
jfjo02-10-05.md5 (download)