2010-02-20 123 Pleasant Street

The Halftime String Band Live at 123 Pleasant Street on 2010-02-20

Fred Crozier, Bob Spangler & Matt Showalter February 20, 2010 123 Pleasant Street Morgantown, West Virginia 01. Steamboat Whistle Blues 02. Tuning/Crowd 03. Ain't Goin' To Work Tomorrow 04. Gone 05. Crowd/Tuning 06. Walk On Boy 07. Lay Me Down A Pallet 08. Dawg's Waltz 09. Walkin' Boss>Lonesome Fiddle Blues 10. Crowd/Banter 11. Daybreak In Dixie**

Files (download all files)
htsb2010-02-20.md5 (download)
htsb2010-02-20.txt (download)
htsb2010-02-20.ffp (download)