Hairy Larry hl2013-02-02
2013-02-02 TheArts@311

Hairy Larry Live at TheArts@311 on 2013-02-02

NJHB Live version of "Colossus" with "Circular Logic" bonus track 1. Circular Logic 2. Colossus 3. Bella's Blues 4. El Amor Cubano: La Mujer o el Caballo? 5. Inter-Dimensional Lumber 6. Spiral Galaxy 7. Left Over Vowels 3 and 5 by Matt Jackson 1, 2 and 6 by Larry Heyl 4 and 7 by Don Bowyer Hairy Larry - piano, vocals, congas on 3, guitar on 4 Don Bowyer - trombone, piano after break on 3 Mike "Zif" Lovell - guitar on 5 and 6 Matt Jackson - bass Carl Abraham - drums Recorded February 2, 2013 NJHB is the house band for New Jazz In Jonesboro held at TheArts@311. Cover art by Martin Heemskerck Colossus of Rhodes, as imagined in a 16th-century engraving by Martin Heemskerck, part of his series of the Seven Wonders of the World. - Photos by Robin Gasaway More NJHB at hll-1027 Recorded to my Zoom H4 using a spaced pair of EV PL9 omni microphones. Audio post done in SAW Classic.

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