Godspeed You Black Emperor! gybe2022-03-03.flac24
2022-03-03 The Belasco Theatre

Godspeed You Black Emperor! Live at The Belasco Theatre on 2022-03-03

You know what one of my first thoughts of the pandemic was, when things first started getting shut down and cancelled? And I admit this might be a bit selfish or "unimportant" in the grand scheme of things of what was happening and going on at that time, but it was that the pretty much "annual" (I put that in quotes, because it was never guaranteed, but based on past trends, the band tended to tour and stop in L.A. almost once a year) Godspeed show would be cancelled and not happen. I got pretty use to making plans to see this band every year they stopped in Los Angeles, it was almost a tradition by this point. But then things closed down and a year went by, then one year turned into two and more. I was sad, depressed and I really, really missed Godspeed. Thankfully they put out a new album during that time, one of which I treasure and think was probably the best work I heard in 2021. But here we are. We weathered the storm the best we could (heads down, leaned into the squall right?) and almost 2.5 years since I last saw them, Godspeed were back in town, this time at the Belasco Theatre (the same venue that I saw Orbital in back in December 2018 - wow I can't believe it's been that long already, time really does fly), and it was like seeing that old friend again that you so dearly missed. The energy and vibe whenever they're in town, at whatever venue, is also so warm and inspiring (despite thinking their music might spell the opposite), with Sophie, and her little one, hanging out by the merch booth selling t-shirts and vinyl. The stage was still the same with all the different chairs and miles of guitar cables strung about, and don't forget that old analog goodness of the film projectors up on the balcony.  The hope drone started, the band slowly made their way out (Aidan was last to appear, and first to leave, as always - nothing ever changes after all this time) and for the next 2 hours, a huge intense wave of noise and emotion just kept crashing into us (the audience) over and over. Seriously, this might have been the most intense show of theirs I've seen, and that's saying something, given this is the 9th time (and 6th time recording) that I've seen them (should have been my 10th and 7th respectively, but I missed their 2016 show). The bass was deafning at times, Sophie's violin was grabbing your heart practically and I just couldn't help but have a huge grin across my face the entire time. But I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. If you've followed any of my past recordings and the notes/write-up, then you should know I've been practically begging (who? I dunno, the music Gods?) for "Moya" to be played. It's my favorite Godspeed song, has been for almost 2 decades, and I've only heard it live once, at my very first Godspeed show back in 2011. One of which feels like 2 or 3 lifetimes ago and one I hardly remember (and didn't record, as I had no gear back then, bummer). But every year, I saw them, I hoped and hoped "Moya" would get played. It would get played at the show before mine, and the show after mine, but never at the one I was at. And of course, as you guess to how my luck goes, the one L.A. show I do miss in 2016, they played it there. Go figure. Anyway, after "Cliffs" ended, that familiar drone started up, the violin hit and my heart grew to three times it size, I swear! They were fucking playing "Moya"! Finally, after a decade of wishing for it, it finally happened (with great visuals too, with all the fires and flames footage). To top it off, they went right into "BBF3" afterwards to end the show. So actually hearing "Slow Riot" (the EP) live back-to-back for the first time (my favorite EP ever probably, most likely) ever? I couldn't have asked for more. Seriously, "Cliffs" into "Moya" into "BBF3"? I can't think of a better 1-2-3 punch. It doesn't exist. Thank you Godspeed. For all you do. For all your work. For all the hope!

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